Civil Engineering
Civil engineering is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design, construction, and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment. With the infrastructure sector at the heart of the UK Economy, civil engineering will always be a stable sector with future plans of growth.
- Projects – Bridges, Roads, Airports, Reservoir, Sewage Systems, Flood mitigation works
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Key projects across the UK
A465 Howlais to Dowlais Top Sections 5 & 6
Converting the A465 from Dowlais Top to Hirwaun to 2 lanes in each direction. The objectives of the project are to improve traffic flow and make it safer to overtake, make the road safer, especially around junctions and areas with poor visibility and to improve access to key services, jobs and markets supporting inward investment to areas like the Ebbw Vale Enterprise Zone.
The £590 million project consists of earthworks at key locations along the entire route, created new habitats for Great Crested Newts, dormice, lapwing and bats, moving utilities including: water, gas, electricity, telecoms, drainage at locations along the route, installed water management measures along the scheme.
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The scheme is 6.5 km in length and will consist of online widening of the A1 south of Gateshead to four lanes between junction 65 and 67 on the southbound carriageway and three lanes with lane gain/drop between junctions on northbound carriageway to provide additional capacity.
The scheme will also include the off-line replacement of Allerdene Railway Bridge immediately south of the existing structure to tie into the existing structure at Junction 67 Coal House.
M25 Junction 10 to A3 Wisley Interchange,
M25 junction 10 to A3 Wisley Interchange in Surrey is located on one of the busiest sections of the Strategic Road Network. The scheme aims to reduce congestion, increase road capacity, improve journey time reliability and road safety at the same time supporting local development.
It also includes conversion of the hard shoulders on the M25 through junction 10 provide an additional lane in each direction.
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A38 Derby junctions
The A38 is an important route from Birmingham to Derby and through to the M1 at junction 28.
The key features of our junctions improvement scheme are to: Lower the A38 to pass underneath the modified Kingsway and Markeaton junctions Widen the A38 to 3 lanes in each direction between the Kingsway and Kedleston Road junctions„ Build 2 new bridges to carry the A38 traffic over the modified roundabout at Little Eaton junction.